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Showing posts from January, 2015

All the dets about the birth!!

You never know when the baby is going to come and for us, little Daniel came 2 weeks before his due date which was awesome! I was just very ready to get him out. To tell you guys the truth, after 9 months of being so uncomfortable I wasn't even worried about the pain. I just wanted to get it over with!! I have a feeling that is how most women feel.  I had an appointment with the midwife on Tuesday the 30th and at this point I was only 1 cm dilated and the baby was still high. So I wasn't really expecting the baby so soon. Nevertheless, I started to feel contractions Saturday evening. They were coming pretty regular at first but they weren't that painful yet. They felt manageable and I was even doing chores that evening during them. I thought about calling the midwife at one point to give her a heads up but they started fading away after a while so I kinda just forgot about it and went to bed. A few hours later though maybe around 1 am I started to feel more contractions.

My secret to a quick and easy labor! FOR FUTURE MOMMAS only!!

Well, Daniel's birth came before I had time to write a post dedicated on things I take and do to prepare for labor. So I will dedicate this post to that and will write another post later just about how my home birth went. This post is mostly written for future Mommas. So if your a guy you might not want to read this due to some certain content... ANYWAYS....This is my 3rd birth and overall I feel like I have had quick and easy labors. I have been very blessed. There is a few things I do that I have read help the body prepare for labor which I believe have really helped me so I'm going to share with you! First of all about 3 weeks before my due date I start taking Evening Primrose Oil. Some of you might have heard of this herb but supposedly, Evening Primrose Oil is used for cervical dilation. It is believed to act as a prostaglandin that softens and ripens the cervix. The softening of the cervix is suppose to help make your labor quicker and easier. I take it orally and