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Unexpected Calling

So a few months ago I was called in to my branch presidents office. For those of you who aren't LDS our church is separated into small congregations often called wards or if they are small enough they are just called a branch. Each ward or branch has a leader with similar duties of a pastor, priest or rabbi. Wards have bishops and branches have presidents. Any who it is widely known that when we are called into the branch presidents office it's probably because we are going to get a calling or assignment. A few weeks before I got called in to the presidents office, a sister from the ward had talked to me about being called as a family history consultant so being called into the branch presidents office didn't come to me as a surprise. I was expecting to formally be asked to be a family history consultant.

The bishop and I began our little pow wow as usual, he asked me how I was doing, and about my family ect ect. To be honest I was kinda in a rush ready to get back to my duties as a mother so I was just kinda ready for him to get to the point, just give me my assignment and send me on my way.

He began talking to me about the assignment by telling me: "Sister Styles, we have been inspired to call you as the branch pianist."

At this point I fell silent for a couple of seconds and a lot of things came to my mind. The first thing was of course "I DON'T PLAY THE PIANO!" I kinda panicked in the inside but I tried to stay calm amid the situation.

I mean how could this inspired man of God be calling ME to be the branch pianist when I can't even play a single tune in the piano! He must be confusing me for somebody else, he did not have the right person in front of him.

 Politely I answered, "President, thank you but unfortunately I don't play the piano. You must be confusing me for somebody else."

The branch president responded by saying: "Sister Styles, we don't have a branch pianist and we have been inspired to call you. We have planned to get you all the tools you need to learn. We have a sister that has volunteered to teach you and we would love for you to get started right away so that in the near future you could start playing for us."

I was immediately astonished by the presidents response and once again my mind became bewildered. I      was      to learn the piano? Uhh I tried learning the violin several years back and lets just say it didn't work out. Instead of learning how to play the violin I learned that I am just not musically gifted. Doubt and pressure began to overtake me. I had never said no to a calling but how could I commit to this when my kids barely give me time to sit down and eat a meal in peace! How was I suppose to find time to practice and learn the piano to the point of becoming a pianist!

Although, all these thoughts were going through my head, some how the word OK came out of my mouth. Yes, I had just committed myself to being the branch pianist.

As the days went by I prayed for help and guidance and I started to feel peace knowing that I was giving this calling because God knew that I could do this.

Several months have passed and it has been difficult at times but I am happy to say that I have made a lot of progress in my endeavor to learn the piano. I have learned all the notes and not only do I know several tunes, but even a few hymns!

I am grateful with the Lord for the opportunity that he has given me to develop this new talent and I trust in him that one day I will be able to be a pianist. I am also grateful for the support that my branch has given me in providing me with everything I need to learn how to play the piano and for my dear piano teacher that has also become a friend.


  1. That's amazing. It sure reflects the love that our Father in heaven has for us and the things he knows we are capable of doing.

  2. That is awesome! wow, I know I would've said nope lol just kidding, probably not. Heavenly Father knows us so well. I took piano lessons for a while when i was younger but i stopped. It's great that you get to develop a new talent and use it in your branch.


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