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Subscribe and Save

Before I start my blog post on how much I love subscribe and save I just want to apologize for not writing a new post in a really long time. I know I said I would try to write every week, but with the holidays, and my trip to Idaho, and the pregnancy and the children... yeah I just haven't had the time or the energy to do it. 

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season so far. I had the opportunity to spend thanksgiving in Rexburg, Idaho with my sister, her family and my mom and it was fantastic. I decided to stay in Rexburg after thanksgiving break and I ended up staying there for like a month. Although I missed my husband a lot, I enjoyed being able to bond with my sister and the opportunity my boys had to bond with their cousins. Family time is always important.
Thanksgiving with Jeremiah in Rexburg,ID
In Rexburg, little Ulysses refused to sit for the photo
Now on to my topic of choice for this post! Subscribe and Save amazon!! Let me just begin by letting everybody know that I love Amazon. If anyone out there reading this post has not yet discovered the wonders and benefits of shopping on Amazon I highly recommend that you do. Subscribe and Save is something that I particularly enjoy. The way that it works is that through Subscribe and Save, you can have your favorite items delivered to your door once a month. By signing up to this you save up to 15% on your entire order which means that on top of the great deal your getting on Amazon you get an additional discount! and of course there's the free shipping. 

I probably sound like an Amazon sales person right now trying to persuade everybody to try Amazon and subscribe and save but in all honesty I just had to dedicate a post to this because of how much I love it. 

As a mother of soon to be 3 boys. It is very hard for me to go to the store. When I do go shopping I make sure Jeremiah comes along to help out or I try to leave the boys with their grandparents as it is very hard to be in a store for more then a few minutes and keep my sanity with 2 toddler boys. Lucky for me Amazon saves me a lot of shopping trips by delivering very necessary items to my door. I get diapers, diaper wipes, shampoo, face wash, conditioner, body wash, laundry detergent, dish washing soap, trash bags, napkins, deodorants, vitamins, and even toilet paper delivered to me! I choose a specific day of the month to receive my items and since I've subscribed I've never ran out of  these essential items. I get these items delivered to my door while still paying the same prices I would be paying if I would be shopping at Walmart. It is awesome! So yeah everyone should try it:)

My Subscribe and Save box <3
That's it for now guys, by the way, with my due date right around the corner (3 weeks!) I will be writing a post soon on how I am preparing for the big day so keep in tune!


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