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Showing posts from May, 2016

Living in a House full of Blue

            I just wanted to take some time to announce that we are expecting our 4th baby. And I'm going to say it straight out, yes we are having another boy.... :)                                                             Baby Luke Due Aug 31 Apparently I'm only meant to have boys...:) which is OK. I've been meaning to write a post about my life as a mother of 3 boys but for one reason and another I just haven't had the time. This is a good opportunity to give you guys a little idea as to how life is over here. First I want to give you guys an update on Aidan.  I don't even know where to start with him. If there was a perfect child, I feel like Aidan would be it. He is currently 4 years old. Not too sure what his weight or height is but hes pretty tall for his age. Usually he is at the top of the percentile compared to kids his age. He very sweet, compassionate and mature little boy. He is also very well behaved. He is such a big help to me and he is s