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Living in a House full of Blue

            I just wanted to take some time to announce that we are expecting our 4th baby. And I'm going to say it straight out, yes we are having another boy.... :)

                                                            Baby Luke Due Aug 31

Apparently I'm only meant to have boys...:) which is OK. I've been meaning to write a post about my life as a mother of 3 boys but for one reason and another I just haven't had the time. This is a good opportunity to give you guys a little idea as to how life is over here.

First I want to give you guys an update on Aidan.  I don't even know where to start with him. If there was a perfect child, I feel like Aidan would be it. He is currently 4 years old. Not too sure what his weight or height is but hes pretty tall for his age. Usually he is at the top of the percentile compared to kids his age. He very sweet, compassionate and mature little boy. He is also very well behaved. He is such a big help to me and he is so loving and good to his younger brothers. Just a few examples, of the type of kid he is just the other day Noah had a fall and hurt his chin. I quickly picked him up and assisted him. Seeing the severity of Noahs wound, Aidan immediately told me to take him to grandpa. (How wise of Aidan, since Grandpa is our first aid guru!) and right after Noah was all band aid up, Aidan just layed down with him and hugged him until he fell asleep... I'm gonna use another example from just a few days ago. Aidan was using grandma's bathroom right by her room and after he was peeing, I asked him if he flushed the toilet. He told me no, grandma is sleeping and I don't want to make any noise that will wake her up! omg! how thoughtful and sweet is that. I am sooo grateful for him. God could not have given me a better first born. Okay I have to share one last example, I could go on with examples but i'll limit myself to this last example. Okay so Noah is totally a daddy's boy. He even says it all the time, "i'm a papas boy, blah blah blah." Just the other day Jeremiah asked Aidan if he was a papas boy 2. Aidan thought about it for a second and he said. No i'm a mommas mom. Noah is a papas boy and mama needs someone to so I'm a mommas boy. That just melted my heart. He is so thoughtful.

Now time to talk about little Noah. He is the smallest of the three. It looks like he got my short genes. He usually measures up at the bottom of the percentile when it comes to toddlers his age. He will turn three on May 23rd.  He is my most active, curious and mischievous child. He is also very smart. He was an early walker, taking his first steps at 9 months and fully walking by 10 months. He almost potty trained himself when he was about a year and half just by looking at Aidan and trying to imitate him.  He also started talking at a very early age and has a pretty good vocabulary. Other then that, this basically describes Noah.
He is by far the biggest cuddle monster ever. The good thing is that he is very light so he is still very easy to carry. He is always asking for snuggles and loves to give kisses. Something very unique about Noah is that his beverage of choice is Herbal tea with honey. Unlike most children who usually gravitate towards milk, since he was like 10 months  he just drinks herbal tea. He just loves it. He also doesn't use sippy cups like my other boys, he uses a camelbak water bottle for his tea. 
Now Danny. What can I say about danny, he is just a baby. He is 15 months now.He is a hugee baby. He feels like he is heavier then Noah although I haven't weighted them recently... He is super cute. I love watching him play and try to do things Aidan and Noah do. He started walking at 10 months just like Noah as now beginning to learn to climb on everything. He has always been a very good eater although lately I've noticed he is taking a liking for sweet foods. Not surprising I guess. Well, that's all I can really say about Danny at the moment. 

I love my boys. I just want to say that I am very grateful with my heavenly father for giving me these little boys. I feel very blessed that he trusted me with these special spirits.  I did not know what love really was until I had Aidan in my arms for the first time and then Noah and Danny.  Motherhood has changed me and It has made me a better person and I continue to pray for wisdom to know how to raise these boys to become great men. Nothing compares to the feeling I get when my children tell me they love me or when my boys pick flowers for me or when I see them smile and get the reassurance that they are happy. They are the sweetest and I feel very lucky. I am looking forward to meeting little Luke as well. 

Many of you are probably wondering if we are going to keep trying for a girl... Well, part of me did want a girl but in all honesty I'm happy with all boys and we feel pretty content and satisfied with 4 so this will be our last. I'm okay with being in a house full of Blue. 


  1. Awww. This warmed my heart. You do have some great lovely adorable boys Yuriko. I know your a really good mother. I'm blessed to have met you and Jeremiah. Having three makes me want to have more kids! I know how it feels when your child tells you I love you mommy, it's priceless! And Congratulations on your 4th!I'm so happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet Luke. And I need to see all your boys which I know they grown a lot last time I've seen them.


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