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Come, Follow Me

So I know it's been a while since I've written a post but I wanted to write a post about the new Come, Follow Me program.

First I want to admit that I was a little daunted by the 2 hour block change for 2019, but this was mostly because I could feel the huge responsibility that was being placed upon us as parent's to make the home the center of gospel learning. Specially upon mothers. I actually started to think about this as early as during the relief society general conference. President Henry B. Eyring's actually stated

Part of the Lord’s current sharing of knowledge relates to accelerating His pouring out eternal truth on the heads and into the hearts of His people. He has made clear that the daughters of Heavenly Father will play a primary role in that miraculous acceleration. One evidence of the miracle is His leading His living prophet to put far greater emphasis on gospel instruction in the home and within the family.
You might ask, “How does that make faithful sisters a primary force to help the Lord pour out knowledge on His Saints?” The Lord gives the answer in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” You remember the words, but you may see new meaning and recognize that the Lord foresaw these exciting changes, which are now occurring. In the proclamation, He gave sisters charge to be the principal gospel educators in the family in these words: “Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.”2 This includes the nurture of gospel truth and knowledge.
Thinking about President Eyring's words and about all these changes has led me to do a lot of pondering about how I can implement this program with my family and how I can turn my home into the center of gospel learning. I am still praying about it and thinking about it but this is what I have come up with so far which I wanted to share in case anybody is looking for some suggestions.

So I found and joined a facebook group called Come, follow me for families which I would highly recommend you guys to join. The group mostly consists of mom's exchanging ideas and resources for families. A lot of the women there suggested to set up a little space in your home (and some of you might already have a space where you do family home evenings or scripture readings) designated for gospel learning. I came up with this little bulletin board with the weekly topic, weekly reading, hymn of the week (related to the topic) for fhe, and a few other things. I still have yet to find a little corner of the house to set all this up! It's a work in process! Here is the link where you can find the template that I used for most of this. I printed everything using cardstock I purchased on Amazon.

The New Testament reading chart I found  here

For the weekly hymn, you can come up with your own hymns based on the topics of you can use this, which is just a document that comes with a primary song and a hymn. 

All the resources I've used have been free but if you are feeling spendy, you can also find super nice bulletin board kits on etsy. 😊

Something else that I did was put together some study binders for each family member (except Luke since he is only 2 and can hardly hold a crayon 😂). 

These are the binders. So again, each family member has an individual binder. I found the binder cover here

These are the supplies I purchased for the binders:
3 ring hole puncher

I personally just bought everything on Amazon because who has time to go to the store right? But I'm sure Walmart has everything. each binder has 5 tabs for each week in a given month. Most months have 4 weeks but there is 5 tabs for one of those months with 5. 

Okay so you can see how each tab is divided by week following the Come, follow me manual.

I found these really cute study guides for young children to go along with The Church Come, Follow Me manual. So for example; the picture below shows the first week. The first page is divided into 2 sections, the first section has the dates with the weekly topic and then the next section has space for a testimony. I pull these binders out during the family home evening and have the kids write or draw what they felt or learned during the fhe, so that is what I use the testimony section for.

Each weeks study guide has 5 pages so the other 4 pages look something like this. 

They follow the same pattern of 2 sections, and each section has a scripture with a scripture highlight and a picture to color. So these can be used daily during family scripture study or when ever you feel like using them:) Anywho, you can find the link to these study guides here

Now for Jeremiah and I, the first page in our binder is the New testament reading chart. Again, the New Testament reading chart is here

The second page in the front is just a general January calendar with the weekly topic and scripture which can be a tool for planning for the parents. Here is the link to that calendar. 

Now, what is in each tab: well a super amazing sister is posting some study guides for adults on the fb Come, follow me (chicken, scratch n sniff) page for people to use, and they are amazing! So each week's study guide consist of a family scripture study guide divided by day of the week, a family home evening guide, and a scripture journal page divided by day of the week with a question based on the family scripture study guide. It is awesome and I can't wait to start this with Jeremiah. Here is the link for the study guide for the 2nd week of the month but if you want to continue getting these just join the fb group and they will be posted weekly or you can find them in the files section of the group. You can find week 1 there if you still want week 1. 

Well this is all I have so far. I hope this helps. I know sometimes, specially for working moms, it is hard to find the time to look for what resources are out there and such. I am very excited for this upcoming year and to start this new inspired church program. I can already see how it has helped our family!


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