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Romance on campus

Jeremiah and I have been married for almost 4 years. Our anniversary is October 1st and this is how we met. Brigham Young University-Idaho is often referred to as BYU-I do and for a good reason. Jeremiah and I briefly met at the Latin Association in June 2010 but it was a game that brought us to meet again. That day at the Latin association we played a game called the "murder spoon game". We each had a spoon with our name on it and we put it in a hat and the hat went around and we each picked a spoon with someones name on it. Our job was to take that spoon home and during the week find the person who's name was on the spoon and steal the spoon the other person had and who ever had the most spoons by the next meeting was suppose to win the game. I honestly forgot about the game and just kinda shoved the spoon I got in my backpack. A few days after the meeting. Jeremiah came knocking on my door. When I saw him at the door I thought he was looking for one of my room mates but he was actually looking for me. In fact, he had found my address at the school directory. Kinda creepy at first but super sweet now that I look back:) We chatted for a while outside my door and at the end of the chat he asked me out on a date. He didn't even mention that he was there because of the spoon. After that day, things moved very quickly between the two of us. It took only a few weeks for us to fall in love and only a couple months for him to propose and we were married on October 1st 2010.
One of our engagement pictures


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