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Showing posts from 2014

Subscribe and Save

Before I start my blog post on how much I love subscribe and save I just want to apologize for not writing a new post in a really long time. I know I said I would try to write every week, but with the holidays, and my trip to Idaho, and the pregnancy and the children... yeah I just haven't had the time or the energy to do it.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season so far. I had the opportunity to spend thanksgiving in Rexburg, Idaho with my sister, her family and my mom and it was fantastic. I decided to stay in Rexburg after thanksgiving break and I ended up staying there for like a month. Although I missed my husband a lot, I enjoyed being able to bond with my sister and the opportunity my boys had to bond with their cousins. Family time is always important. Thanksgiving with Jeremiah in Rexburg,ID In Rexburg, little Ulysses refused to sit for the photo Now on to my topic of choice for this post! Subscribe and Save amazon!! Let me just begin by letting ev

Unexpected Calling

So a few months ago I was called in to my branch presidents office. For those of you who aren't LDS our church is separated into small congregations often called wards or if they are small enough they are just called a branch. Each ward or branch has a leader with similar duties of a pastor, priest or rabbi. Wards have bishops and branches have presidents. Any who it is widely known that when we are called into the branch presidents office it's probably because we are going to get a calling or assignment. A few weeks before I got called in to the presidents office, a sister from the ward had talked to me about being called as a family history consultant so being called into the branch presidents office didn't come to me as a surprise. I was expecting to formally be asked to be a family history consultant. The bishop and I began our little pow wow as usual, he asked me how I was doing, and about my family ect ect. To be honest I was kinda in a rush ready to get back to my

Hello people!

Hello people! Welcome to my new blog. I am excited to share a little bit about our little family with you and about our lives. I am planning to use this blog to express my views on certain things, and to talk about how chaotic but also wonderful it is to be a mom! I will also be sharing with you recipes that I have made and that have turned out delicious. My goal is also to give you guys a little peak at what it is like to be Mormon because as most of you know we are Mormon and We know it, We live it, and We love it! I will try to post frequently, well at least once a week. I have already posted a few posts where I share Jeremiah and I's story:) Thanks for following along and we are happy to have you here!

The Three Musketeers

As many of you already know, we are expecting our third baby and we couldn't be happier! We are expecting Daniel (middle name still to be announced) Styles on January 17, 2015. I am currently 24 weeks along and everything is going fairly well. I am planning to have my second at home birth and this time I promise to give all the details! I choose another at home birth because I had a great experience with my first at home birth and I honestly don't think I could go back to birthing at a hospital now that I had the opportunity to have been spoiled with a home birth. Yes we are expecting our 3rd boy. The news of a third boy coming into our family was a little shocking at first since we expected a little girl but nevertheless, we are thrilled and we are anxiously awaiting the day our little Daniel arrives. Here is my baby bump at 20 weeks:)

Romance on campus

Jeremiah and I have been married for almost 4 years. Our anniversary is October 1st and this is how we met. Brigham Young University-Idaho is often referred to as BYU-I do and for a good reason. Jeremiah and I briefly met at the Latin Association in June 2010 but it was a game that brought us to meet again. That day at the Latin association we played a game called the "murder spoon game". We each had a spoon with our name on it and we put it in a hat and the hat went around and we each picked a spoon with someones name on it. Our job was to take that spoon home and during the week find the person who's name was on the spoon and steal the spoon the other person had and who ever had the most spoons by the next meeting was suppose to win the game. I honestly forgot about the game and just kinda shoved the spoon I got in my backpack. A few days after the meeting. Jeremiah came knocking on my door. When I saw him at the door I thought he was looking for one of my room mates bu